
Qué (no) hacer después de ser despedido

Si ha sido despedido y cree que tiene motivos para obtener una compensación de su empleador debido a una acción ilegal en su contra, aquí hay algunas cosas que debe hacer para proteger su caso: Reúna la documentación de su plan de beneficios: si tiene un plan de beneficios, comuníquese con RR.HH. y solicite una […]

What (not) to do after being fired

If you have been fired and you believe you have grounds to get compensation from your employer due to an illegal action against you, here are some things you should do to protect your case: Gather your benefit plan documentation: If you have a benefit plan, communicate with HR and request a copy. According to federal […]

The amount on your paycheck… is it correct?

Employers can withhold taxes, Social Security contributions, and other partial amounts for certain benefits. However, this does not include deductions that are not allowed by law. Not sure if the amount you receive in your paycheck is correct? You can review the list below to see if your employer has made any deductions that do […]

La cantidad en su cheque de pago… ¿es la correcta?

Los empleadores tienen posibilidad de retener impuestos, contribuciones al Seguro Social, y otros montos parciales de ciertos beneficios. Sin embargo, esto no incluye deducciones que no están permitidas por la ley. ¿No está seguro de si el monto que recibe en su cheque de pago es el correcto? Puede revisar la siguiente lista para corroborar […]

Were you fired while on medical leave?

As a California employee, you are eligible for the California Family Rights Act (CFRA) leave for up to 12 weeks of family or protected health leave from work over a 12-month period. The CFRA applies to you if your California employer has more than five employees and if you have worked at least 20 workweeks […]

¿Fue despedido mientras estaba de licencia médica?

Como empleado de California, usted es elegible para la licencia de la Ley de Derechos de la Familia de California (CFRA) por hasta 12 semanas de licencia familiar o médica protegida en el trabajo durante un período de 12 meses. La CFRA se aplica a usted si su empleador de California tiene más de 5 […]

Dismissals, demotions, and punishments at work

The type of employment in California is called “at-will.” However, this does not mean that employers can fire workers for any reason. What is “at-will” employment? Employment “at-will” refers to work in which employees can leave their job at any time without reason or notice. Also, employers are free to fire employees at any time […]

Despidos, degradaciones y sanciones en el trabajo

El tipo de empleo en California se denomina “a voluntad”. Esto no significa que los empleadores puedan despedir a los trabajadores por cualquier motivo. ¿Qué es el empleo “a voluntad”? El empleo “a voluntad” se refiere al trabajo en el que los empleados pueden dejar su trabajo en cualquier momento sin motivo ni aviso. Asimismo, […]

How do California wage and hour laws apply to remote employees?

Many people who work remotely in California wonder if the same wage and hour laws apply to them that apply to on-site employees. The answer is yes. But you must be a non-exempt employee. You have the right to be paid at least minimum wage, overtime pay rates for overtime, and standard meals and rest […]